Let us help put you on the right path to understanding your returns and financials.
If you are at a loss on how to run your business, your financials give you nightmares or you have industry specific related questions we can help you!
Dealing with the IRS can be daunting when you owe in back taxes or are being audited. We can help you understand the machinations behind these processes and how best to deal with the IRS and what to expect.
What Is An Enrolled Agent?
Unlike CPA’s and attorneys, who may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, all Enrolled Agents specialize in taxation. Enrolled Agents are subjected to a rigorous background check conducted by the IRS and are bound by Circular 230, which gives them limited client privileges in situations where the taxpayer is being represented in cases involving audits and collection matters.
Only EAs are required to demonstrate to the IRS their competence in matters of taxation before they represent a taxpayer and are authorized to appear in place of said taxpayer at the IRS. EAs are also the only tax professionals who receive their right to practice from the United States Government, are licensed by the federal government, and have been regulated by Congress since 1884!